The WELLBEING of students at Fitzroy North Primary School is vital to enhancing their educational experiences. Happy children, who feel respected and safe are more able to express themselves and take responsibility for their learning. Knowing that they are working within a supportive environment that is responsive to their needs, allows students at our school to focus on what really matters; trying their hardest and being the best version of themselves that they can be.

Our approach encompasses ministerial orders, education department policy guidelines and training directives, development of our own school policy and regular and responsive review of school policy.

The school’s Student Code of Conduct and Student Engagement, Inclusion and Wellbeing policy highlight that there is zero tolerance for any form of violence thus helping to promote a school a culture that it is ‘O.K. to Tell.’

The school’s behavior protocols and scripts reinforce this as do our school’s values of KINDNESS, RESILIENCE and RESPECT.