Please feel free to email your child’s teacher directly regarding any aspect of their education. You can expect to receive a reply within 48 hours, during regular working periods.

Principal Class

Tania Sorbello - Principal
Erin Bennetts - Assistant Principal


Prep ML - Molly Lowe
Prep BM - Bronte Murray

Grade One/Two

1/2 AS - Anja Stanislawski
1/2 MW - Molly Witbooi
1/2 JB - Briony Wiltshire (Mon - Wed) Jake Mutimer (Thurs - Fri)
1/2 CB - Charmaine Bamford
1/2 EP - Evie Patrick

Grade Three/Four

3/4 RB - Refi Balla
3/4 BW - Brittany Wollermann
3/4 BA - Brad Arthur
3/4 AF - Amy Fleming
3/4 EM - Evey Chen (Mon - Wed), Margaret Clarke (Thurs - Fri)

Grade Five

5 NB - Nathaniel Bieman
5 AG - Abby Goldie

Grade Six

6 KF - Kathleen Feeny
6 NB - Nicholas Barrett


Italian - Lucy Ballard
Music - Tanya Dolence
PE - Ben Williams
Art - Maddi Check
STEM - Joe Dykes

Admin Staff

Business Manager - Nicole Cooper
Finance and Reception - Emily Alessi